Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay About Violence At School Example For Students

Essay About Violence At School From decade to decade, there has been a new type of fad to sweep the country. In the 50s it was dancing and having fun. In the 60s it was to dress freely and avoid the draft. The 70s were full of pot smoking has-beens, the 80s big hair and radical clothing. From the smallest of fades, the children in the 90s have taken a whole new approach to the game. The changed the rules, that would affect the country for the rest of their existence. The fad? To act out in violence in school against eachother, not just fist to fist physical altercation, but from one boys fathers gun to another. The new fad is to take a school by a surprise attack and make news headlines. Quite a change from the early 50s. So the question that boggles ever Americans mind, is why and how we allowed these children to invade and inhabit our lives and allow them to take the control they have at this point. The question can only be answered by figuring out the exact problem to a T. We need to figure out every aspect of what they are doing. What are the exact statistics on the teen crime rate? How can we stop it? Lets start by recognizing the problem and deal with it from there. Here is the first step. Here are some solutions to the high rising problem, I have supplied part of the solution, it is now up to the public to take action. Three-quarters or more of all schools reported having zero tolerance policies for various student offenses. Zero tolerance policy was defined as a school or district policy that mandates predetermined consequence/s or punishments for specific offenses. About 90 percent of schools reported zero tolerance policies for firearms (94 percent) and weapons other than firearms. Eighty-seven and 88 percent had policies of zero tolerance for alcohol and drugs, respectively. Seventy-nine percent had a zero tolerance policy for violence and 79 percent had a zero tolerance policy for tobacco. Tobacco seems to be a rising problem on its own, and we as citizens, teachers and peers, need to do more to let the children know that this behavior is unacceptable, that they are in fact still children. Another way to help stop the problem is Requiring School UniformsPublic school principals were presented with a list of crimes and asked to report the number of incidents of each type of crime that had occurred at their schools during the 1996-97 school year. The crimes about which schools were asked were murder, suicide, rape or other type of sexual battery, physical attack or fight with a weapon, robbery, physical attack or fight without a weapon, theft or larceny, and vandalism. Respondents were provided with definitions for each of these types of crime. Under the assumption that crimes or offenses reported to police would be more accurately recalled, schools were asked to report only those incidents for which the police or other law enforcement representatives had been contacted. It was also assumed that requiring a benchmark of law enforcement contact would minimize subjective judgment about which incidents to include. Only crimes occurring at the school, including those that took place in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, and at school-sponsored events or activities, but not officially on school grounds, were to be reported. While student victimization and teacher-reported data on crimes occurring at school have been collected and reported elsewhere, school principals were asked to report unduplicated incidents at the school level. During 1996-97, about 4,000 incidents of rape or other types of sexual battery were reported in our nations public schools. There were about 11,000 incidents of physical attacks or fights in which weapons were used and 7,000 robberies in schools that year. About 190,000 fights or physical attacks not involving weapons also occurred at schools in 1996-97, along with about 115,000 thefts and 98,000 incidents of vandalism. Because the sample size was not large enough to produce reliable estimates for very rare events, the survey was not able to estimate either the percentage of schools experiencing one or more incidents of murder or suicide or the total numbe r of these crimes that occurred at public schools during 1996-97. For example, in the sample of 1,234 public schools, murder was not reported by any of the schools and, similarly, only 4 schools in the sample reported any incidents of suicide. The rarity of the occurrence of these crimes at school, given the sample size of the study, precluded the generation of reliable national estimates. In a descriptive case study of violent deaths in schools, Kachur, estimated that there were 105 school-associated violent deaths including 85 murders occurring at schools during a 2-year period from 1992 to 1994. We see these statistic on almost a daily basis, and yet we sit and wonder why it is not decreasing. Because we are just sitting here in awe thats why. We need to get up and take back control. Three percent of all public schools require students to wear uniforms. About one-fourth (26 percent) of these schools initiated the requirement prior to the 1994-95 school year, 40 percent initiated it between the 1994-95 and 1995-96 school years, and 34 percent initiated it in 1996-97. Uniforms were more likely to be required in schools with a high percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch (11 percent in schools with 75 percent or more free or reduced-price lunch eligibility) compared with schools in which less than 50 percent of students were eligible schools with 50 percent or more minority enrollment were also more likely to require student uniforms than those with lower minority enrollment (13 percent compared with 2 percent or less). Schools reported on whether the following actions were taken:;#61623; Visitors were required to sign in;;#61623; Access to school grounds was controlled;;#61623; Access to the school building was controlled;;#61623; School campuses were closed for most students during lunch;;#61623; Students had to pass through metal detectors daily;;#61623; Random metal detector checks were performed; and;#61623; Schools conducted drug sweeps (e.g., locker searches, dog searches). French, Spanish, and English Colonization EssayOur personal opinion on the subject is that we need to take a stand against the idiots. We need to stop giving them specials on TV that are all about them and them only and teach others that what they are doing is not going to give them a dateline special, rather a life sentence without parole, or punishment by death. Whatever the action we decide to take it needs to be taken now, it has come to far and is completely out of control. Someone needs to let these monsters take responsibility for their action, instead of sympathizing with them saying they were molested as a kid or come from a broken home. Save the sob story. There are a lot of people in the world who have gone through a lot of this and a lot worse and dont take their misfortunes out on other people. We all need to unite together to make sure there isnt another incident at our school, or a neighboring school. The statistics above are completely outrageous, and unacceptable. We need to get off our can and take some action. Psychology

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